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Article summary:

1. Ethereum is a strong Altcoin with a growing ecosystem and is considered the best investment decade.

2. Ethereum has seen an increase in smart contracts deployed on its network, as well as an increase in NFTs and DeFi usage.

3. The upcoming Shanghai update for Ethereum will allow validators to withdraw their staking earnings, which could have a positive effect on the price of Ethereum.

Article analysis:

The article by Mike Coldman titled “Cryptos to Buy and Hold Before BullRun 2023!” is generally reliable and trustworthy, although there are some potential biases that should be noted. The article focuses heavily on Ethereum, which could be seen as biased towards this particular cryptocurrency. Additionally, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present any risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies before the bullrun of 2023. Furthermore, the article does not provide any evidence for the claims made about Ethereum’s performance or potential future performance, nor does it provide any information about other cryptocurrencies that may be worth investing in before the bullrun of 2023. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies before the bullrun of 2023, such as market volatility or regulatory changes that could affect prices. Finally, while the article provides some useful information about Ethereum and its potential future performance, it does not provide enough information to make an informed decision about whether or not to invest in this cryptocurrency before the bullrun of 2023.