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Article summary:

1. White people often get defensive when called out for their privilege, but this is not comparable to the racism experienced by people of color.

2. Racism is a pervasive system that affects virtually every aspect of life for minorities, leading to food insecurity, unequal access to healthcare, and more.

3. White people should take accountability for their actions and work towards making the world a better place.

Article analysis:

The article provides an accurate overview of the issue of reverse racism and its implications in today's society. The author does an excellent job of providing evidence to support her claims, such as statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau and 24/7 Wall St., as well as quotes from prison abolitionist Ruth Wilson Gilmore. The article also presents both sides of the argument fairly, noting that while white people may feel singled out or put on the spot for their privilege, this is incomparable to the racism experienced by people of color which can lead to premature death.

The only potential bias in the article could be seen in its focus on Iowa specifically; while it does provide some national statistics, it primarily focuses on Iowa's racial disparities and how they affect Black Americans living there. This could be seen as a limitation since it does not explore how these issues are playing out in other states or countries around the world. Additionally, while the article does mention cultural appropriation by white people, it does not go into detail about what this looks like or how it affects minority cultures beyond noting that they are left with "broken pieces" of their identity after exploitation by white people.

In conclusion, overall this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its accurate overview of reverse racism and its implications in today's society as well as its use of evidence to support its claims. The only potential bias lies in its focus on Iowa specifically rather than exploring how these issues are playing out elsewhere around the world.