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Article summary:

1. This paper presents an analytical bending fatigue model for estimating the fatigue life of low-sag cables subjected to harmonic loading.

2. The results show that the use of a guide deviator can significantly extend the cable’s fatigue life at the anchorage.

3. The effect of cable inclination angle and ratio of cable weight to tension on the fatigue life has been analyzed.

Article analysis:

The article “Bending Fatigue Life Evaluation of Bridge Stay Cables” is a well-researched and comprehensive piece that provides an in-depth analysis of the fatigue performance of stay cables under dynamic loading conditions. The authors have presented a detailed analytical model for predicting the fatigue life of low-sag cables, as well as discussed the effects of various parameters such as cable inclination angle and ratio of cable weight to tension on its fatigue life.

The article is reliable and trustworthy, as it is based on extensive research and provides evidence for its claims through references to previous studies and experiments. Furthermore, it does not present any one-sided reporting or promotional content, but rather presents both sides equally by exploring counterarguments and noting possible risks associated with certain parameters. Additionally, all points are supported by evidence from experiments or other sources, making it a reliable source for further research into this topic.