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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the need for a new political narrative to replace neoliberalism, and explores various potential scenarios.

2. Thijs Lijster proposes his own philosophy of ‘meenten’ (commons) as an alternative to capitalism, which is focused on self-sustaining circularity rather than infinite growth.

3. China Miéville argues that Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto still has relevance in today's world, and encourages the formation of new left-wing activists.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides a balanced overview of different perspectives on what could come after neoliberalism. It presents both sides of the argument fairly, exploring both radical solutions such as ‘ecological war communism’ and ‘left accelerationism’, as well as more moderate approaches such as Thijs Lijster’s philosophy of ‘meenten’ (commons). The article also acknowledges potential risks associated with each approach, noting that some may be too extreme or impractical to implement in reality.

The only potential bias in the article is its focus on left-wing solutions to the problem of neoliberalism. While this is understandable given the author’s background and perspective, it would have been beneficial if other possible solutions had been explored in more detail. For example, there could have been more discussion about how right-wing approaches such as deregulation or privatization might address some of the issues raised by neoliberalism.

In terms of unsupported claims or missing evidence for claims made, there are no major issues with this article. All arguments are supported by evidence from relevant sources such as books or articles written by experts in the field. The only minor issue is that some claims are not backed up with specific examples or data points; however, this does not detract from the overall quality of the piece.

In conclusion, this article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its balanced presentation of different perspectives on what could come after neoliberalism and its use of evidence from relevant sources to support its arguments. The only potential bias is its focus on left-wing solutions to the problem at hand; however, this does not significantly detract from its overall quality or trustworthiness.