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Article summary:

1. Pauline Clance developed the idea of impostor syndrome, which is a feeling of self-doubt and suspicion that one has tricked others into thinking they are smarter than they actually are.

2. Clance and her colleague Suzanne Imes compared notes about their shared feelings of fraudulence and began referring to the feelings as “the impostor phenomenon”.

3. The phrase “impostor syndrome” has become increasingly popular on social media, with many people identifying with it.

Article analysis:

The article “Why Everyone Feels Like They’re Faking It | The New Yorker” is an informative piece about the concept of impostor syndrome, its originator Pauline Clance, and its increasing popularity on social media. The article is written in a clear and concise manner, providing readers with an overview of the topic while also delving into personal stories from Clance and her colleague Suzanne Imes to illustrate how pervasive this phenomenon can be.

The article does not appear to have any major biases or unsupported claims; however, there are some points that could be explored further. For example, the article focuses primarily on women's experiences with impostor syndrome; while this is certainly an important perspective to consider, it would be beneficial to explore how men experience this phenomenon as well. Additionally, while the article mentions that Clance and Imes spent five years talking to successful women about their experiences with impostor syndrome, it does not provide any information about how representative these women were of the general population or if there were any potential selection biases in their sample size.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of impostor syndrome and its origins while also highlighting personal stories from those who have experienced it firsthand. While there are some points that could be explored further in order to provide a more complete picture of the phenomenon, overall this article is reliable and trustworthy in its presentation of information regarding impostor syndrome.