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Article summary:

1. Opposition parties have criticized President Cyril Ramaphosa ahead of his State of the Nation Address, accusing him of failing to deliver on his promises and engaging in unethical behavior.

2. The Democratic Alliance and ActionSA have hosted their own Sona events to discuss the government's shortcomings and urge citizens to save South Africa.

3. The EFF has threatened to disrupt the occasion, while Al Jama-ah has called for Ramaphosa to focus on manufacturing, unemployment, land ownership, job guarantees for matriculants, and digitizing Johannesburg Metro.

Article analysis:

This article is generally reliable in its reporting of opposition parties' criticism of President Cyril Ramaphosa ahead of his State of the Nation Address. It provides quotes from leaders such as John Steenhuisen and Vuyo Zungula that support their claims against the president, as well as quotes from Julius Malema and Ganief Hendricks that provide insight into what they would like to see addressed during the address. Additionally, it provides links to other articles that provide further context on the issues discussed in this article.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting; it presents both sides fairly by providing quotes from both opposition parties and those who support Ramaphosa's administration. However, there are some potential areas where bias could be present. For example, some of the sources used may be biased towards one side or another; this could lead to an incomplete picture being presented if only one side is given more attention than the other. Additionally, some claims made by opposition parties may not be supported by evidence or may lack counterarguments; this could lead readers to form an opinion based on incomplete information.

In conclusion, this article is generally reliable in its reporting but there are potential areas where bias could be present due to sources used or lack of evidence for certain claims made by opposition parties.