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Article summary:

1. Helse-g omsorgsminister Ingvild Kjerkol har bedt kommunene ta grep i eldreomsorgen, etter at NRK Brennpunkt har satt søkelys på kritikkverdige forhold.

2. Opposisjonen mener Kjerkol ikke tar ansvar for mangelen på ansatte, lave lønninger og manglende investeringer i sykehjemsplasser.

3. Kjerkol ønsker at flere eldre skal bo hjemme lengst mulig, men opposisjonen mener regjeringen ikke har lagt til rette for dette.

Article analysis:

This article is about the Norwegian Minister of Health and Care Services, Ingild Kerk call to local municipalities to take action in elderly care after reports from NRK Brennpunkt have highlighted concerning in. article written anonymous and theKorge broadcaster in – which some as reliable source of information However, there are several potential biases that be taken consideration when theworthiness reliability this.

First, the article does not present both sides equally; from opposition politicians criticizing Kjerkol's lack of action, there is no response from her or any other government representatives included in the article. This could lead to a one-sided reporting of the issue and an incomplete understanding of what is actually happening in terms of elderly care reform in Norway. Additionally, there are several unsupported claims made throughout the article that could be seen as promotional content or partiality towards certain political views; for example, when Bård Hoksrud claims that “the only thing elderly care has gotten from Kjerkol are big cuts” without providing any evidence to back up his statement.

Furthermore, there are several points of consideration that could have been explored further; for example, how exactly will Kjerkol ensure that “the state contributes to reaching goals regarding safe and good old age”? What measures will she take to ensure better wages for employees and more money for quality services? These questions remain unanswered in this article and should be addressed if one wants to get a full picture of what is happening with elderly care reform in Norway.

In conclusion, while this article provides some useful information about the current situation with elderly care reform in Norway, it should be read with caution due to its potential biases and lack of evidence supporting certain claims made throughout the text.