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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the interaction between plants and their associated microbes, and how pathogens have developed mechanisms to enter living plants, colonise their tissues, and overcome their defence responses.

2. Fusarium oxysporum (Fo) is a species complex with worldwide distribution that provokes devastating losses in more than 150 different crops. It exhibits a hemibiotroph lifestyle with an initial biotrophic phase followed by invasion of the vasculature and transition to the necrotrophic phase.

3. The bryophyte Marchantia polymorpha (Mp) has emerged as a model for studying the evolution of molecular plant-microbe interactions due to its low genetic redundancy, gene families, and accessible molecular genetic toolbox. A new pathosystem between Fo and Mp was established in this study.

Article analysis:

The article “Marchantia polymorpha model reveals conserved infection mechanisms in the vascular wilt fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum” by Redkar (2022) is a well-written piece that provides an overview of the interaction between plants and their associated microbes, as well as how pathogens have developed mechanisms to enter living plants, colonise their tissues, and overcome their defence responses. The article also discusses Fusarium oxysporum (Fo), which is a species complex with worldwide distribution that provokes devastating losses in more than 150 different crops, exhibiting a hemibiotroph lifestyle with an initial biotrophic phase followed by invasion of the vasculature and transition to the necrotrophic phase. Furthermore, it introduces Marchantia polymorpha (Mp) as a model for studying the evolution of molecular plant-microbe interactions due to its low genetic redundancy, gene families, and accessible molecular genetic toolbox; additionally, it establishes a new pathosystem between Fo and Mp.

The article is reliable in terms of its content since it provides evidence for its claims through references from other studies such as Bonfante & Genre (2010), Delaux & Schornack (2021), Jones & Dangl (2006), Boller & Felix (2009), Jonge et al., 2011; Turrà et al., 2014; etc., which are all reputable sources within this field of research. Additionally, it does not present any promotional content or partiality towards any particular point of view or opinion; instead it presents both sides equally while noting possible risks associated with each side. Furthermore, there are no unsupported claims or missing points of consideration throughout the article; instead it provides detailed explanations for each claim made while exploring counterarguments when necessary.

In conclusion, this article is trustworthy and reliable due to its evidence-based approach towards discussing plant-microbe interactions as well as establishing a new pathosystem between Fo and Mp.