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Article summary:

1. Making assumptions about the product you are building can lead to poor product decisions and costly outcomes.

2. Product assumptions can come from many different sources, such as sales, marketing, operations, finance, and even customers.

3. To mitigate risk and reduce waste, it is important to create a product roadmap that enables testing of assumptions and fast feedback from those who matter.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of how making assumptions about the product being built can lead to poor decisions and costly outcomes. The author provides examples of how these assumptions can come from various sources such as sales, marketing, operations, finance, and customers. The article also suggests creating a product roadmap that enables testing of assumptions and fast feedback from those who matter in order to mitigate risk and reduce waste.

The article appears to be reliable in terms of its content as it provides relevant information on the topic at hand. However, there are some potential biases present in the article which could affect its trustworthiness. For example, the author does not provide any evidence for their claims or explore any counterarguments which could weaken their argument. Additionally, the article does not present both sides equally which could lead readers to form a one-sided opinion on the topic without considering other perspectives or points of view. Furthermore, there is no mention of possible risks associated with this strategy which could be important for readers to consider before implementing it in their own organizations.

In conclusion, while the article provides useful information on how to create a product roadmap that enables testing of assumptions and fast feedback from those who matter in order to mitigate risk and reduce waste; it is important for readers to consider potential biases present in the article before forming an opinion on its content or implementing its suggested strategies in their own organizations.