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ChemistryEurope - Chemistry Europe - Wiley Online Library
Source: chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
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Article summary:

1. ChemistryEurope is the flagship journal of Chemistry Europe, publishing authoritative research on all aspects of chemistry and adjacent scientific areas.

2. The journal serves the entire community by providing an open access platform for original and inspirational work from across the discipline.

3. The editors-in-chief, supported by an Editorial Advisory Board and professional editors, ensure efficient handling of manuscripts and uphold high quality standards for authors.

Article analysis:


首先,文章声称ChemistryEurope是Chemistry Europe的旗舰杂志,汇集了该领域最聪明的人才。这种夸大的说法可能会给读者留下过分高估该杂志质量和影响力的印象。


此外,文章还提到编辑团队将由编辑顾问委员会、专业编辑和与Chemistry—A European Journal及其姊妹期刊有关联的工作人员支持。然而,并未说明这些团队成员的背景和资质,也没有提供他们如何确保高质量标准和流程的详细信息。这种缺失使得读者难以评估该杂志是否真正具备权威性和可靠性。

