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Article summary:

1. Sci-Hub &共享学库 is a platform that provides access to academic knowledge without borders.

2. Shino, Miyamoto, Wang and Nagai (2000) presented a traction control system for electric vehicles that considers vehicle stability.

3. The article encourages readers to share the link of the paper in order to create more value in the academic world.

Article analysis:

The article is reliable in terms of providing information about Sci-Hub &共享学库 and the research conducted by Shino, Miyamoto, Wang and Nagai (2000). However, there are some potential biases present in the article which could affect its trustworthiness. For example, the article does not provide any evidence or counterarguments for its claims about creating more value in the academic world through sharing links of papers. Additionally, it does not explore any possible risks associated with sharing such links or discuss both sides of this issue equally. Furthermore, there is a promotional element to the article as it encourages readers to share links of papers without providing any further information on why they should do so or what benefits they may gain from doing so. Therefore, while the article is reliable in terms of providing information about Sci-Hub &共享学库 and research conducted by Shino et al., it lacks evidence and exploration of potential risks associated with its claims which could affect its trustworthiness.