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Article summary:

1. The article provides a comprehensive list of Excel worksheet formulas, sorted alphabetically and categorized by function type.

2. It includes formulas for lookup and reference functions, string/text functions, date/time functions, and math/trig functions.

3. Each formula is accompanied by a brief description and a link to a source with more information on how to use it.

Article analysis:

The article titled "MS Excel: Worksheet Formulas - Listed by Category" provides a comprehensive list of Excel worksheet formulas sorted by category. While the article serves as a useful reference for individuals looking to learn and use Excel formulas, there are several potential biases and limitations in its content.

Firstly, the article sources all the information from a single website, techonthenet.com. This reliance on a single source raises concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. It would have been more balanced and reliable if multiple sources were used to verify the accuracy of each formula.

Additionally, the article does not provide any explanation or context for each formula listed. It simply provides a brief description and a link to the source website. This lack of explanation limits the usefulness of the article for beginners or individuals who are unfamiliar with Excel formulas. Including examples or step-by-step instructions would have made it more accessible and informative.

Furthermore, there is no mention of any potential risks or limitations associated with using these formulas. For example, some formulas may have specific requirements or limitations that users should be aware of to avoid errors or incorrect results. Without this information, users may encounter difficulties when applying these formulas in real-world scenarios.

The article also lacks diversity in terms of alternative perspectives or counterarguments. It presents only one way of using each formula without exploring different approaches or variations that may exist. This narrow focus limits readers' understanding and hinders their ability to make informed decisions about which formula to use in different situations.

Moreover, there is no discussion about potential alternatives to using Excel formulas or other software options available for similar purposes. This omission prevents readers from considering alternative solutions that may better suit their needs or preferences.

Lastly, it is important to note that this article appears to be promotional in nature as it directs readers to a specific website for more detailed information on each formula. While it is reasonable to provide references and sources for further reading, the article's heavy reliance on a single website raises questions about potential biases or conflicts of interest.

In conclusion, while the article provides a comprehensive list of Excel worksheet formulas, it has several limitations and biases that should be taken into consideration. Readers should seek additional sources and context to ensure the accuracy and applicability of the information provided.