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Article summary:

1. The vertical expansion force is greater than the lateral expansion force in the range of moisture content and dry density studied.

2. The vertical expansion force decreases with the increase of initial moisture content, and there is a good linear relationship between the two.

3. The logarithm of the expansion force increases with the initial dry density, and the rate of change does not change with the change of moisture content.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed analysis of an experimental study on three-dimensional expansive forces in Hefei remolded expansive soil. The authors provide evidence to support their claims, such as data from 16 groups of tests conducted using an improved three-dimensional dilatometer, as well as relationships between different variables such as vertical expansion force and initial moisture content or dry density. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when evaluating this article. For example, it is unclear whether any other factors were taken into consideration when conducting these experiments, such as soil type or climate conditions. Additionally, it is possible that some counterarguments or alternative explanations for the results were not explored in this article. Furthermore, it is important to note that this article was published in 2017 and may not reflect current research findings or best practices in this field; thus, further research should be conducted to ensure its accuracy and reliability.