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Article summary:

1. The current crisis between the EU and Russia is influenced by a crisis of national identity in Russia during the post-Soviet period.

2. This crisis reflects that unclear social, political and national identities allow some stakeholders to substitute an objective stimulus for sustainable cooperation with cultural and economic partners that have been historically close.

3. The paper suggests new approaches to identity policy that might be implemented in Russia and would positively influence a political dialogue between Europe and Russia.

Article analysis:

The article is written from a European perspective, which may lead to bias in its reporting of the situation between the EU and Russia. The article does not provide any evidence or sources for its claims about the influence of post-Soviet Russian identity on European-Russian relations, nor does it explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally. Additionally, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with implementing new approaches to identity policy in Russia, nor is there any mention of how these policies could be implemented without further exacerbating tensions between Europe and Russia. Furthermore, the article does not address any other factors that may have contributed to the current crisis between the two regions, such as US political agenda or geopolitical tensions over Ukraine. Finally, while the article provides some useful insights into post-Soviet Russian identity and its influence on European-Russian relations, it fails to provide a comprehensive overview of all relevant factors at play in this situation.