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Article summary:

1. Plant secondary metabolites have a dual role in plant-insect interactions, both as chemical communication and defence.

2. Insect herbivores have evolved enzymatic detoxification mechanisms to cope with the toxic effects of plant secondary metabolites.

3. Recent advances in genome sequencing technologies have led to new high-throughput technologies for quantitatively examining gene expression, which has provided new insights into the detoxification mechanisms at the molecular level.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the current research on tolerance, biochemistry and related gene expression in Pagiophloeus tsushimanus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) exposed to chemical stress from headspace host‐plant volatiles. The article is well-researched and provides evidence for its claims through citations of relevant studies. It also presents both sides of the argument fairly, noting both the potential benefits of using plant volatiles as attractants or defensive traits against insect pests, as well as their potential toxicity at high concentrations. The authors also provide an overview of existing research on insect herbivores' enzymatic detoxification mechanisms for coping with plant toxins, as well as recent advances in genome sequencing technologies that allow for quantitative examination of gene expression related to these mechanisms.

The only potential bias in this article is that it focuses solely on Pagiophloeus tsushimanus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), which may limit its applicability to other species or contexts. Additionally, while the authors provide an overview of existing research on insect herbivores' enzymatic detoxification mechanisms for coping with plant toxins, they do not explore any counterarguments or alternative explanations for these findings.