Full Picture

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Article summary:

1. The article is about the high-resolution, authentic image of Nanjing Zhi Ma Ling available for download and purchase from VCG.

2. The image is provided by 500px Signature RF and has an ID of VCG211182176659 with a maximum size of 5464 x 3640 px (300dpi) | TIFF 56.90 MB.

3. The article provides information on the copyright license, similar images, and contact information for inquiries and purchases.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information on the image available for download and purchase from VCG, including its source, copyright license, size, storage size, brand name, third-party rights statement, similar images, and contact information for inquiries and purchases. The article also includes a disclaimer regarding copyright infringement risks if the image is used without authorization. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the article does not provide any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the use of this particular image or other images that may be available from other sources. Additionally, while the article does provide contact information for inquiries and purchases of this particular image, it does not provide any information on pricing or discounts that may be available when purchasing multiple images at once. Furthermore, while the article does include a disclaimer regarding copyright infringement risks if the image is used without authorization, it does not provide any specific advice or guidance on how to ensure proper authorization before using an image from VCG or other sources.