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Article summary:

1. OpenFlow is a way for researchers to run experimental protocols in the networks they use every day.

2. OpenFlow is based on an Ethernet switch, with an internal flow-table, and a standardized interface to add and remove flow entries.

3. OpenFlow could serve as a useful campus component in proposed large-scale testbeds like GENI.

Article analysis:

The article "OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks" proposes a new way for researchers to run experimental protocols in the networks they use every day. The proposed solution is OpenFlow, which is based on an Ethernet switch with an internal flow-table and a standardized interface to add and remove flow entries. The authors believe that OpenFlow is a pragmatic compromise that allows researchers to run experiments on heterogeneous switches in a uniform way at line-rate and with high port-density while vendors do not need to expose the internal workings of their switches.

The article presents several examples of related work, including XORP, Click modular router, Supercharging PlanetLab, NetFPGA, Ethane, and NOX. However, it does not provide enough evidence or arguments to support the claim that OpenFlow is better than these alternatives. Moreover, the article seems biased towards promoting OpenFlow without exploring its potential limitations or drawbacks.

One-sided reporting is evident in the article's focus on the benefits of OpenFlow without discussing its possible risks or limitations. For example, there is no discussion about how OpenFlow might affect network security or privacy. Additionally, there are no counterarguments presented against the claims made by the authors.

The article also appears promotional as it encourages networking vendors to add OpenFlow to their switch products for deployment in college campus backbones and wiring closets. While this may be beneficial for researchers who want to experiment with network protocols, it may not be suitable for all types of networks or organizations.

Furthermore, the article lacks evidence for some of its claims. For instance, it states that OpenFlow could serve as a useful campus component in proposed large-scale testbeds like GENI but does not provide any data or research studies to support this claim.

In conclusion, while the article provides an interesting proposal for enabling innovation in campus networks through OpenFlow technology, it suffers from biases towards promoting this solution without exploring its potential limitations or drawbacks fully. It would benefit from a more balanced approach that considers both the benefits and risks of OpenFlow and compares it to other alternatives.