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Article summary:

1. Location data on mobile phones, tablets, and laptops is typically associated with mailing addresses and postal codes.

2. Raw satellite location measurement data are constantly created in devices, but they are not always turned off or collected the same way as other location data.

3. There is uncertainty about who is using these data and for what purposes, so industry and government need to reassure citizens that their personal data are not being exploited.

Article analysis:

The article “Satellite Data: The Other Type of Smartphone Data You Don’t Hear About” provides an overview of the use of satellite data in smartphones and other devices. The article does a good job of explaining the types of satellite data that can be collected from devices, as well as how it differs from other types of location data. However, there are some potential issues with the trustworthiness and reliability of the article.

First, the article does not provide any evidence to support its claims about who is using satellite data and for what purposes. This lack of evidence makes it difficult to assess the accuracy of the claims made in the article. Additionally, while the article mentions potential risks associated with collecting this type of data, it does not explore them in depth or provide any counterarguments to these risks.

Furthermore, while the article mentions organizations such as NMEA (a marine electronics trade organization) and King’s University College (Western University), it does not provide any information about their backgrounds or affiliations which could potentially influence their views on satellite data collection. Finally, while the authors do mention Tommy Cooke (a visiting professor at University of Maryland Baltimore County), Alicia Sabatino (a master’s student at University of Maryland Baltimore County), Benjamin Muller (an associate professor at King’s University College), and Kirstie Ball (a professor at University of St Andrews), they do not provide any information about their qualifications or expertise which could potentially influence their views on satellite data collection.

In conclusion, while this article provides an overview of satellite data collection in smartphones and other devices, there are some potential issues with its trustworthiness and reliability due to a lack of evidence supporting its claims, a lack of exploration into potential risks associated with collecting this type of data, a lack of information about organizations mentioned in the article that could potentially influence their views on satellite data collection, and a lack of information about authors' qualifications or expertise that could potentially influence their views on satellite