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Article summary:

1. Ruslan Maratovich Asainov, a former New York stockbroker-turned-Islamic State group militant, was convicted of becoming a sniper and trainer for the extremist group in Syria and Iraq.

2. The case against Asainov was built largely on his own words in messaging apps, emails, recorded phone calls and an FBI interview.

3. He faces the potential of life in prison for providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization and causing at least one death.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information about the conviction of Ruslan Maratovich Asainov for aiding the Islamic State group as a sniper and trainer. It includes quotes from both prosecutors and defense attorneys, which adds credibility to the story by presenting both sides of the argument. Additionally, it provides background information about Asainov's conversion to Islam, his departure from his family in Brooklyn, his involvement with IS fighters in Syria, and his arrest by U.S.-backed forces.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present any evidence that could challenge the prosecution's claims against Asainov. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with joining a terrorist organization such as IS or any discussion of why someone might choose to do so despite these risks. Furthermore, while it mentions that tens of thousands of foreign fighters were attracted to IS during its reign in Iraq and Syria, it does not provide any insight into why this may have been the case or what motivated them to join such an extreme group. Finally, while it does provide some detail about Asainov's activities within IS (e.g., becoming a sniper and instructor), it does not provide any information about how he was able to acquire these skills or what kind of training he received prior to joining IS.