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Article summary:

1. The DELIVER trial aims to assess the efficacy of dapagliflozin in reducing cardiovascular death, HF hospitalization, or urgent HF visits in patients with HF and LVEF >40%, including those with mildly reduced, preserved, or improved LVEF.

2. Baseline characteristics of the 6,263 patients enrolled in the DELIVER trial showed that most were elderly, with moderate symptomatic impairment, and a history of prior HF hospitalization. The majority had NYHA functional class II symptoms.

3. Patients were divided into three LVEF groups (41%-49%, 50%-59%, ≥60%) for analysis, and comparisons were made based on recency of prior hospitalization for HF. The study also compared baseline characteristics with other contemporary trials enrolling patients with HF and mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Baseline Characteristics of Patients With HF With Mildly Reduced and Preserved Ejection Fraction: DELIVER Trial" provides an overview of the DELIVER trial, which aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin in patients with heart failure (HF) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) >40%. The article discusses the rationale for studying this patient population, the study design, concomitant medical therapies, baseline data collection and analysis, comparison with other contemporary HF trials, and results from the enrollment process.

One potential bias in this article is the focus on dapagliflozin as a potential treatment option for patients with HF and mildly reduced or preserved LVEF. The article emphasizes the potential benefits of dapagliflozin without providing a balanced discussion of other treatment options or potential risks associated with this medication. This one-sided reporting could be seen as promotional content for dapagliflozin, especially considering that the trial is sponsored by AstraZeneca, the manufacturer of dapagliflozin.

Additionally, while the article mentions that patients were encouraged to receive standard care according to local recommendations, it does not provide detailed information on the specific medications or interventions used in conjunction with dapagliflozin. This lack of transparency could lead to a misunderstanding of how dapagliflozin fits into the overall treatment plan for these patients.

Furthermore, there is limited discussion on potential limitations or challenges faced during the enrollment process for the DELIVER trial. The high rate of screen failures due to not meeting NT-proBNP criteria raises questions about patient selection and generalizability of the study results. Additionally, there is no mention of any adverse events or complications experienced by patients during the trial, which is crucial information when evaluating the safety profile of a new medication like dapagliflozin.

Overall, while the article provides valuable insights into the baseline characteristics of patients enrolled in the DELIVER trial, it lacks a critical analysis of potential biases related to study design, reporting practices, and conflicts of interest. A more comprehensive discussion on both benefits and risks associated with dapagliflozin, as well as a thorough examination of alternative treatment options for HF with mildly reduced or preserved LVEF would enhance the credibility and transparency of this research.