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Article summary:

1. A study has found that rap music glamorizes the use of illegal drugs and portrays them as symbols of wealth and status.

2. The researchers analyzed 341 lyrics from rap music's most popular hits between 1979 and 1997 and found that references to drugs had increased six times over that period.

3. Rap artists are role models for the nation's youth, especially in urban areas, and society has a responsibility to provide alternatives to the glamorized view of drugs portrayed in this music.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Rap music glamorizes drug use - study" published by Reuters Life! discusses a new study that claims rap music glorifies the use of illegal drugs and portrays them as symbols of wealth and status. The report, published in the journal Addiction Research & Theory, found that rap artists had moved away from the lyrics of the early days when they often warned against the dangers of substance abuse.

The article presents a one-sided view of the issue, focusing solely on the negative aspects of rap music's portrayal of drug use. It fails to explore any potential counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the matter. Additionally, it does not provide any evidence to support its claims that rap music is responsible for glamorizing drug use among young people.

Furthermore, the article seems to be biased against rap music and its artists. It suggests that they are solely responsible for promoting drug use among young people and ignores other factors such as poverty, lack of education, and social inequality that contribute to drug abuse.

The article also fails to note any possible risks associated with censoring or limiting artistic expression. While it is important to address issues related to drug abuse among young people, it is equally important to consider how censorship or restrictions on artistic expression could impact freedom of speech and creativity.

Overall, this article presents a narrow view of a complex issue without exploring alternative perspectives or providing sufficient evidence to support its claims.