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Article summary:

1. Live streaming e-commerce is an emerging form of online business that has been gaining traction due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. This study investigates the impact of live streaming e-commerce quality, such as service quality (SEQ), information quality (IQ), and system quality (SQ), on consumer purchase intention (PI) in China by applying the extended technology acceptance model (ETAM).

3. The results provide useful marketing suggestions for relevant financial institutions and enterprises.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of live streaming e-commerce in China, its advantages, and its potential impact on consumer purchasing intention. The article also presents a detailed analysis of how live streaming e-commerce quality affects consumer purchase intention through various paths, such as perceived value, perceived ease of use, perceived trust, and perceived usefulness. Furthermore, the article provides useful marketing suggestions for relevant financial institutions and enterprises based on its findings.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally when discussing the potential impact of live streaming e-commerce on consumer purchasing intention. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with this form of e-commerce or any discussion about how these risks can be mitigated. Finally, there is no evidence provided to support some of the claims made in the article regarding the effectiveness of live streaming e-commerce in increasing marketing efficiency or driving consumer purchasing intention.