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Article summary:

1. The Basic Law Library is a reference library managed by the Hong Kong Public Libraries that provides consultation services on the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

2. The collection includes over 19,000 items of materials such as books, periodicals, multimedia materials, CD-ROMs, electronic databases and newspaper clippings related to the drafting and implementation of the Basic Law.

3. The public can access the library catalog online to retrieve various materials and related topics in the library.

Article analysis:

The article provides information about the Basic Law Library, which is managed by the Hong Kong Public Libraries under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The library mainly provides reference and consultation services related to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The collection includes books, periodicals, multimedia materials, CD-ROMs, electronic databases, and newspaper clippings related to the drafting and implementation of the Basic Law.

The article appears to be informative and unbiased in its reporting of facts related to the Basic Law Library. However, it lacks critical analysis or discussion of potential controversies or criticisms related to the Basic Law itself or its implementation in Hong Kong.

One-sided reporting is evident in that there is no mention of any opposing views or criticisms related to the Basic Law Library or its collection. Additionally, there is no exploration of counterarguments related to the effectiveness or relevance of such a library in promoting understanding and discussion of the Basic Law.

Promotional content is present in that the article highlights funding received from the Hong Kong Jockey Club for purchasing additional reference materials over three years. This may suggest a bias towards promoting support for such funding sources rather than providing a balanced view on their impact on library collections.

Overall, while informative about the Basic Law Library's collection and services, this article lacks critical analysis and exploration of potential controversies or criticisms related to its purpose and effectiveness.