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Article summary:

1. This study aimed to obtain demographic data regarding the medieval population buried at the Yuigahama-minami site in Kamakura, Japan.

2. Analysis of the skeletal sample yielded a life expectancy at birth (e0) of 24.0 years for both sexes, and a life expectancy at age 15 years (e15) of 15.8 years for males and 18.0 years for females.

3. Comparisons with other skeletal series suggest that life expectancy changed little over thousands of years between the Mesolithic-Neolithic Jomon and medieval periods, but then improved remarkably during the few hundred years between the medieval period and early modern Edo period.

Article analysis:

The article “Paleodemography of a Medieval Population in Japan: Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from the Yuigahama-minami Site” is an informative and reliable source on paleodemography in Japan during the medieval period. The authors provide detailed analysis of human skeletal remains from this site, which yields valuable insights into life expectancy during this time period. The authors also compare their findings to other skeletal series, providing further evidence for their conclusions about changes in life expectancy over time.

The article is well-structured and provides clear explanations of its methods and results, making it easy to follow along with its arguments. The authors also provide references to relevant studies throughout, which adds credibility to their claims and allows readers to explore further if desired. Additionally, they note potential limitations in their study such as small sample size or incomplete data sets, which helps ensure that readers are aware of any potential biases or inaccuracies in their conclusions.

In conclusion, this article is a trustworthy source on paleodemography in Japan during the medieval period due to its clear structure, thorough analysis, and acknowledgement of potential limitations in its methods or results.