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Article summary:

1. The emergence of e-commerce has changed the way of exchanging traditional transaction information, fundamentally breaking the limitation of time and space.

2. Live streaming e-commerce reduces consumers' transaction decision time through the “signaling” method of the streamer's narration of the product to a certain extent.

3. This research focuses on the perspective of information asymmetry combined with the social capital theory, reveals the role of the live streaming sales model and the streamer's social influence on reducing information asymmetry in the consumer purchase process.

Article analysis:

The article is overall well written and provides an in-depth analysis of how streamers’ social capital can influence purchase intention in live streaming e-commerce. The article is well researched and provides evidence for its claims from various sources such as Bauboniene and Guleviciute (2015), Pavlou et al. (2007), Wongkitrungrueng et al. (2020), Jones and Leonard (2014), Mavlanova et al. (2012), Filieri (2015), Manes and Tchetchik (2018), Wang et al. (2021), Ang et al. (2018) and Hu and Chaudhry (2020). The article also presents a detailed model based on social capital theory to explain how it affects purchase intention, which is supported by survey data collected from consumers who have participated in live streaming events.

The only potential bias that could be identified in this article is that it does not provide any counterarguments or explore any possible risks associated with live streaming e-commerce, such as privacy concerns or security issues related to online payments. Additionally, there is no mention of any promotional content or partiality towards any particular brand or product being sold through live streaming e-commerce platforms, which could be seen as a potential bias if present in this article.

In conclusion, this article is overall trustworthy and reliable due to its well researched content, evidence provided for its claims, detailed model based on social capital theory, and lack of promotional content or partiality towards any particular brand or product being sold through live streaming e-commerce platforms.