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Article summary:

1. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a powerful tool for profiling gene expression in individual cells and has been used to uncover the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of disease.

2. This article reviews the workflow for typical scRNA-seq data analysis, including raw data processing and quality control, basic data analysis applicable for almost all scRNA-seq data sets, and advanced data analysis tailored to specific scientific questions.

3. The article also provides an online repository of software and wrapped-up scripts to support the implementation of scRNA-seq data analysis.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a comprehensive overview of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology and its applications in biomedical research. It is written by experts in the field who have conducted extensive research on this topic, which adds credibility to their claims. The authors provide detailed information about the workflow for typical scRNA-seq data analysis, including raw data processing and quality control, basic data analysis applicable for almost all scRNA-seq datasets, and advanced data analysis tailored to specific scientific questions. Furthermore, they provide an online repository of software and wrapped-up scripts to support the implementation of scRNA-seq data analysis.

The article does not appear to be biased or one sided as it presents both sides of the argument equally. It does not contain any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration that could lead readers astray from understanding the true implications of using this technology in biomedical research. Additionally, there is no promotional content or partiality present in the article that could influence readers’ opinions on this topic. The authors also note potential risks associated with using this technology such as privacy concerns when dealing with clinical samples.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy as it provides a comprehensive overview of single cell RNA sequencing technology without any bias or unsupported claims that could lead readers astray from understanding its true implications in biomedical research.