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Article summary:

1. The higher education reform in China created the world's largest graduate job-market, but there is still a lack of understanding about how jobs are allocated among graduates.

2. The study collected data on family background, individual characteristics, academic performance, and placement outcomes to explore the functioning of the job-market in detail.

3. The study found that college GPA is an important determinant of post-graduate employability and contributes to gender differences in employment outcomes. Women with better grades had improved employability in the post-reform job-market.

Article analysis:

The article titled "What determines employment opportunity for college graduates in China after higher education reform?" provides an overview of the job market for college graduates in China after the higher education reform of the late-1990s. The article raises important questions about the factors that determine job allocation, such as merit, household registration status (hukou), and family background. It also explores the impact of these factors on gender differences in employment outcomes.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on academic achievement as a determinant of post-graduate employability. While it is important to consider academic performance, it may not be the only factor that determines job allocation. Other factors such as skills, experience, and networking can also play a significant role in securing employment.

The article acknowledges that there is no rigorous evidence regarding the way jobs are allocated among graduates due to a lack of reliable individual-level data. However, it does not provide any alternative sources or methods to address this limitation. This lack of evidence weakens the claims made in the article and raises questions about its reliability.

Furthermore, the article mentions anecdotal stories about graduate unemployment but does not provide any concrete data or statistics to support these claims. Without supporting evidence, these stories may be misleading and contribute to a biased narrative.

The article also highlights gender differences in employment outcomes but fails to explore other potential factors that may contribute to these differences. For example, societal norms and cultural biases could play a significant role in shaping gender disparities in employment opportunities.

Additionally, while the article briefly mentions hukou institution and family background as important factors determining employment outcomes, it does not delve into their full implications or explore potential solutions to address these issues. This limited analysis leaves out crucial aspects of the job market for college graduates in China.

Overall, this article presents an interesting topic but lacks comprehensive analysis and supporting evidence. It would benefit from a more balanced approach that considers multiple factors influencing job allocation and explores potential counterarguments and alternative perspectives.