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Article summary:

1. The future of the metaverse is uncertain, with doubts about its potential and popularity.

2. However, there is still potential to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and limit toxicity in the metaverse.

3. Robust laws and ethical guidelines are needed to address issues such as bias, surveillance, and data privacy, but they may not be able to keep up with the speed of the internet.

Article analysis:

The article "The Internet Is Ruined. The Metaverse Can Still Be Saved" by WIRED discusses the potential of the metaverse and its ability to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past internet. However, the article presents a one-sided view of the topic, with a focus on the potential benefits of the metaverse while ignoring its potential risks.

The article highlights how companies like Facebook-turned-Meta and Disney are facing challenges in building out a concept that has failed to achieve any real popularity. It also mentions how members of the video game industry have doubts about whether it will ever live up to its promise. However, it fails to explore why these doubts exist and what specific challenges these companies are facing.

The article also suggests that if people building the metaverse can remember lessons learned about online safety and moderation, it could be a less horrible place than the current internet. While this is true, it ignores the fact that there are already concerns about harassment and other issues creeping into virtual spaces like VRChat and Roblox.

Furthermore, while discussing potential issues with algorithms being used in the metaverse, such as bias against economically disadvantaged users or marginalized communities, there is no mention of how these issues could be addressed or what specific regulations or ethical guidelines could be put in place.

The article also fails to explore counterarguments or present both sides equally. For example, while mentioning that regulation probably shouldn't be left up to corporations behind metaverse endeavors, it doesn't explore why some may argue for self-regulation or how this could potentially work.

Overall, while presenting an interesting perspective on the potential of the metaverse and its ability to avoid repeating past mistakes, this article lacks depth in exploring potential risks and counterarguments. It presents a one-sided view that focuses primarily on its potential benefits without fully considering its challenges and limitations.