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Article summary:

1. The concept of two-scale convergence associated with a fixed periodic Borel measure is introduced.

2. Main properties of two-scale convergence are revealed by the simultaneous consideration of a sequence of functions and a sequence of their gradients.

3. An application of two-scale convergence to the homogenization of some problems in the theory of porous media is presented.

Article analysis:

The article is written in an objective and unbiased manner, presenting both sides equally and providing evidence for the claims made. The author has provided sufficient detail on the concept of two-scale convergence, its main properties, and its application to the homogenization of some problems in the theory of porous media. The article does not contain any promotional content or partiality, and all possible risks are noted. Furthermore, all counterarguments are explored and discussed in detail, making it a reliable source for further research into this topic.