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Article summary:

1. Ukraine that more than 30 missiles were fired by Russian forces at across the country.

2. Ukrainian military spokesmanuriy Ignat said that several Russian Tu-95 bombers had launched the missile attack from northern region of Murmansk.

3. Kyiv also said that Ukraine shot down a bunch of Iranian-made drones launched by Russian forces from the Sea of Azov in the south of the country overnight.

Article analysis:

This article is written with a clear bias towards Ukraine's claims, as it does not present any counterarguments or evidence to support Russia's side of the story. The article does not provide any context for why these attacks are taking place, nor does it explore any potential risks associated with them. Furthermore, there is no mention of how many casualties have been caused by these attacks, or what kind of damage has been done to infrastructure and property in Ukraine as a result. Additionally, there is no mention of any international response to this conflict, which could be an important factor in understanding its implications and consequences. The article also fails to provide any evidence for the claims made by Ukraine regarding their air defence systems shooting down 15 missiles, or their shooting down a bunch of Iranian-made drones launched by Russian forces from the Sea of Azov in the south of the country overnight. Finally, while WION takes utmost care to accurately report this developing news story, they cannot independently verify all statements, photos and videos presented in this article; thus making it difficult to assess its trustworthiness and reliability.