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Article summary:

1. Some Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order players are only just noticing the tattoo that Cal Kestis has on his right arm.

2. The tattoo is speculated to be an employee tag to show that Cal is a Bracca scrapper.

3. Concept art for Fallen Order also refers to it as a "company tattoo", which supports the theory.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence for its claims in the form of concept art and references from the subreddit. It also presents both sides of the argument, noting that there is speculation about what the tattoo represents but also providing evidence from concept art that suggests it could be an employee tag. Additionally, it acknowledges that Cal's arms are usually covered by a poncho, making it difficult to notice the tattoo in-game.

However, there are some potential biases in the article, such as not exploring counterarguments or other possible explanations for what the tattoo could represent. Additionally, there is no mention of any risks associated with having a company tattoo or any potential implications for Cal's character arc if he does indeed have one. Furthermore, while the article does provide evidence for its claims, it does not explore any other sources or provide further evidence beyond what was already mentioned in order to back up its assertions.