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Article summary:

1. BP reported a record-breaking net profit of $27.65 billion in 2022, increasing dividends by 10% and stock buybacks by $2.75 billion.

2. BP is slowing down its business contraction in the fossil fuel sector due to high profits, and may expand its oil and gas investments through acquisitions.

3. BP plans to invest equally in clean energy and fossil fuels, with an additional investment of up to $8 billion each by 2030, and expects EBITDA to grow 12% annually until 2025.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable as it provides accurate information about BP's financial performance in 2022, including net profit, dividends, stock buybacks, operating cash flow, debt reduction, taxes paid globally, etc., which are all supported by evidence from the company's financial reports. The article also provides insights into BP's strategic plans for investing in both clean energy and fossil fuels over the next decade.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when reading this article. For example, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides of the story equally; instead it focuses solely on BP's plans for expanding its oil and gas investments while slowing down its exit from fossil fuels due to high profits from these sources. Additionally, there is no mention of any risks associated with such a strategy or potential environmental impacts that could result from increased production of fossil fuels. Furthermore, the article does not provide any evidence for some of the claims made about BP's future performance (e.g., EBITDA growth). Finally, there is a promotional tone throughout the article which could be seen as biased towards BP's plans for expansion rather than providing an unbiased overview of their strategies and potential risks involved.