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Article summary:

1. Companies are making it increasingly difficult for customers to call customer service, instead relying on automated solutions and chatbots.

2. This is due to cost-saving measures, as hiring a person in a call center is more expensive than engineering a chatbot.

3. The lack of customer service options can lead to inefficient and counterproductive behavior from customers, as well as companies having to resort to strange tactics such as using journalists as go-betweens.

Article analysis:

The article “Why Companies Make It Impossible To Call Customer Service - Vox” provides an overview of the current state of customer service in the digital age. The article is written from the perspective of a journalist who has interviewed multiple sources, including Jonathan Kiper (the owner of Jonny Boston’s International Facebook page), Ryan Buell (a Harvard Business School professor), and Kejia Hu (an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University). The article does provide some insight into why companies are making it harder for customers to call customer service, but there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that should be noted.

First, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally when discussing why companies are making it harder for customers to call customer service. While the article does mention cost-saving measures as one reason, it does not consider other possible reasons such as increased efficiency or improved customer experience through automated solutions and chatbots. Additionally, while the article mentions that “having someone to pick up the phone costs money that some companies would rather not spend”, it does not provide any evidence or data to support this claim.

Second, the article also fails to mention any potential risks associated with making it harder for customers to call customer service. For example, if customers cannot get their issues resolved quickly and easily through automated solutions or chatbots, they may become frustrated and take their business elsewhere. Additionally, if companies do not have enough staff available in their call centers or do not have enough resources allocated towards providing quality customer service over the phone, this could lead to poor customer experiences which could damage a company’s reputation in the long run.

Finally, while the article does provide some insight into why companies are making it harder for customers to call customer service, there is no discussion about potential solutions or how companies can improve their customer service offerings in order to better serve their customers’ needs. In conclusion, while this article provides some useful information about why companies make it hard for customers to call them for help with their issues, there are several potential biases and missing points of consideration that should be noted when evaluating its trustworthiness and reliability.