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Article summary:

1. The log normal distribution is an empirically based model used to describe the mass versus size interval of fragmented materials.

2. The sequential fragmentation/transport (SFT) theory is a physical-based model that takes into account fragmentation and transport effects on volcanic ash size distributions.

3. The SFT model provides better fits to many types of volcanic ash samples than does the log normal curve, and can be used to interpret eruptive and transport mechanisms.

Article analysis:

The article by Wohletz (1989) presents the Sequential Fragmentation/Transport (SFT) theory as a physical-based model for describing the mass versus size interval of fragmented materials, with particular application to volcanic ash size distributions. The article provides a detailed description of the SFT theory, including its mathematical form and how it relates to other empirical models such as the log normal curve. The article also discusses how the SFT model can be used to interpret eruptive and transport mechanisms.

The article appears to be well researched and written in an objective manner, providing evidence for its claims in the form of mathematical equations and examples from real-world applications. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering this article's trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while the author acknowledges other empirical models such as the log normal curve, they do not provide any counterarguments or evidence against these models; instead they focus solely on promoting their own SFT theory without exploring any potential drawbacks or limitations it may have compared to other models. Additionally, while they discuss how their model can be used to interpret eruptive and transport mechanisms, they do not provide any evidence or examples of this being done in practice; thus it is unclear whether their theory has been successfully applied in real-world scenarios or if it is still largely theoretical at this point in time.

In conclusion, while Wohletz's (1989) article provides a detailed description of their Sequential Fragmentation/Transport (SFT) theory for describing mass versus size intervals of fragmented materials with particular application to volcanic ash size distributions, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability; namely that it does not explore any counterarguments or evidence against other empirical models nor does it provide any evidence or examples of its successful application in real-world scenarios.