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Article summary:

1. Model-free reinforcement learning from expert demonstrations (RLED) uses prior or online knowledge from demonstrations to guide the RL process.

2. RLED is formalized in the context of a Markov decision process (MDP), where the objective is to find a control policy that maximizes the discounted cumulative reward.

3. Expert demonstrator policies are used to provide knowledge from demonstrations, which may not necessarily follow an optimal control policy due to natural human reasons.

Article analysis:

该文章是一篇关于无模型强化学习(Model-free reinforcement learning)的综述,介绍了从专家演示中获取知识来指导RL过程的方法。然而,该文章存在以下几个问题:

1. 偏重于技术细节而忽略了实际应用


2. 忽略了人类因素


3. 缺乏对风险和不确定性的考虑


4. 缺少对其他方法的比较

