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Article summary:

1. This article provides an overview of the security features available in Java SE, including tools to control access to resources, generate and check digital signatures, and create and manage keys.

2. It is intended for a variety of audiences, including users running programs, developers, and systems administrators.

3. The article also provides information on how to use API methods to incorporate security functionality into programs, as well as JDK tools for managing keystores and generating digital signatures.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its presentation of the security features available in Java SE. It provides a comprehensive overview of the various tools available for controlling access to resources, generating and checking digital signatures, creating and managing keys, incorporating cryptography services into programs, etc., which are all necessary components of a secure system. The article also does a good job of providing information that is applicable to different audiences (users running programs, developers, systems administrators).

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, it does not provide any information on potential risks associated with using these security features or how they can be used maliciously by attackers. Additionally, while the article does provide some information on how to use API methods to incorporate security functionality into programs, it does not go into much detail about this topic or provide any examples or further resources for readers who want to learn more about this subject. Finally, while the article does mention policy configuration files briefly at one point in the text (in relation to creating a policy file), it does not provide any further details or links for readers who may want more information on this topic.