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Article summary:

1. Google and Microsoft have developed AI chatbots that are being positioned as alternatives to articles written by human authors.

2. These bots are based on the faulty premise that readers don't care where their information comes from or who stands behind it.

3. The bots are giving advice without crediting the human authors, which could lead to a more closed web with less free information and fewer experts offering good advice.

Article analysis:

The article “Erasing Authors, Google and Bing’s AI Bots Endanger Open Web | Tom's Hardware” discusses the potential dangers of using AI chatbots created by Google and Microsoft as alternatives to articles written by human authors. The article argues that these bots are based on a faulty premise that readers don’t care where their information comes from or who stands behind it, and that this could lead to a more closed web with less free information and fewer experts offering good advice.

The article is generally well-written and provides an interesting perspective on the potential risks of using AI chatbots in place of human authors. However, there are some issues with its trustworthiness and reliability. For example, the article does not provide any evidence for its claims about the potential dangers of using AI chatbots in place of human authors, nor does it explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally. Additionally, the article does not mention any possible risks associated with using AI chatbots in place of human authors, such as potential inaccuracies or bias in the results provided by the bots. Furthermore, while the article mentions Google’s embarrassment when one of Bard’s answers was factually incorrect, it does not provide any evidence for this claim or explore how common such mistakes may be.

In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting perspective on the potential risks associated with using AI chatbots in place of human authors, it lacks evidence for its claims and fails to explore counterarguments or present both sides equally. Additionally, it does not mention any possible risks associated with using AI chatbots in place of human authors or provide evidence for its claim about Google’s embarrassment when one of Bard’s answers was factually incorrect. As such, this article should be read with caution as its trustworthiness and reliability may be questionable.