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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the understanding of peace and peace building among young children, parents and teachers in several pre-schools in Malaysia.

2. Previous studies have found that children's first coherent utterances about peace and war are evident between the ages of 6 and 8, with verbalization of war preceding verbalization of peace.

3. The article also looks at various initiatives such as curriculum development, human rights learning, and UNESCO frameworks to promote peace building in the minds of young children, parents and teachers.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable as it provides a comprehensive overview of the understanding of peace and peace building among young children, parents and teachers in several pre-schools in Malaysia. It cites relevant research studies to support its claims, such as Lisa Guernsey’s ‘Transforming Education in the Primary Years’ study, Ilse Hakvoort’s longitudinal study on conceptions of peace, war, and strategies to attain peace, ARNEC’s Perspective Survey from countries in the Asia-Pacific Region on Peace Building in the Minds of Young Children, Parents and Teachers, Ministry of Education Malaysia’s Standard based Presechool National Curriculum, B A Reardon’s Human Rights Learning: Pedagogies and Politics of Peace delivered for UNESCO Chair for Peace Education Master Conference at University of Peurto Rico, Tephly’s Young Children's Understanding of War and Peace study published by Early Child Development & Care journal, as well as UNESCO’s Declaration & Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace.

However there are some potential biases present in the article which could be explored further. For example there is no mention or exploration into counterarguments or alternative perspectives which could provide a more balanced view on this topic. Additionally there is no discussion around possible risks associated with promoting peace building initiatives such as those mentioned above which could be beneficial to include. Furthermore there is no mention or exploration into other countries outside Asia Pacific region which could provide a more global perspective on this issue.