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Article summary:

1. Sustainability is an important business goal that encompasses economic, environmental, and social dimensions. It is increasingly recognized by companies worldwide as a key factor for competitiveness and survival.

2. The concept of mindful consumption (MC) is proposed as a customer-centric approach to sustainability. MC involves a mindful mindset characterized by caring for oneself, the community, and nature, as well as mindful behavior that avoids excessive acquisitive, repetitive, and aspirational consumption.

3. There is a need for companies to adopt a customer-centric approach to sustainability and embrace mindful consumption. Many companies are currently lacking an overarching vision or plan for sustainability, and there is a lack of proactive management in this area. The marketing function can play a crucial role in implementing the customer-centric approach to sustainability.

Article analysis:

这篇文章的标题是“Mindful consumption: a customer-centric approach to sustainability”,主要讨论了可持续性发展和消费者中心的关系。然而,文章存在一些潜在的偏见和问题。



此外,文章强调了消费者在推动可持续性发展中的作用,并提出了“mindful consumption”的概念。然而,它没有充分探讨消费者对可持续性问题的认知水平、态度和行为,并未提供相关研究或数据来支持其主张。


