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Article summary:

1. Steve Russell led the team that created the first popular computer game, Spacewar, in 1962.

2. The game was written on a PDP-1 interactive mini computer and allowed two players to maneuver spaceships and fire missiles at each other while avoiding the gravitational pull of the sun.

3. Steve Russell introduced computer game programming and Spacewar to Nolan Bushnell, who went on to write the first coin-operated computer arcade game and start Atari Computers.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides accurate information about Steve Russell's invention of Spacewar in 1962, its description, influence on Nolan Bushnell, and Steve Russell's background. The article also provides links to replicas of the game for readers to try out themselves. However, there are some potential biases in the article which should be noted. For example, there is no mention of any other contributors or developers who worked on Spacewar besides Steve Russell and his team at MIT. Additionally, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with playing the game or any counterarguments against its popularity or influence on later games such as those developed by Nolan Bushnell. Furthermore, there is no discussion of how Spacewar has evolved over time or how it has been adapted for modern gaming platforms such as consoles or mobile devices. Finally, there is no exploration of alternative interpretations or perspectives regarding Spacewar's impact on gaming culture or its legacy in general.