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Article summary:

1. UHF RFID systems have recently gained widespread attention due to their ability to work reliably at short distances.

2. Different antenna designs have been proposed to improve the uniformity of the field distribution in the interrogation area, such as circular antennas, multi-loop structures, and modular antennas.

3. Synthesis methods for near-field patterns are complex and require individual elements to be completed, but can be used to create a desired uniform electric field distribution in the near-field region.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides a comprehensive overview of different antenna designs that have been proposed for use in near-field RFID applications. The article also provides an extensive review of existing synthesis methods for near-field patterns, which can be used to create a desired uniform electric field distribution in the near-field region. The article does not appear to contain any promotional content or partiality towards any particular design or synthesis method; instead, it presents all of them fairly and objectively. Furthermore, the article does not appear to contain any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration; instead, it provides detailed descriptions of each design and synthesis method along with relevant references for further reading. However, one potential issue with the article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or possible risks associated with using these designs and synthesis methods; this could be addressed by providing more information on potential drawbacks or limitations associated with each design/method discussed in the article.