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Article summary:

1. The study aimed to compare translation adequacy in machine vs. human translation from English into Persian.

2. Seven texts were translated by two human translators and machine translation services, and compared to a reference translation by expert translators.

3. The results showed no significant difference between human and machine translations in terms of adequacy, with machine translations being deemed adequately appropriate.

Article analysis:

The article "Adequacy in Machine vs. Human Translation: A Comparative Study of English and Persian Languages" aims to compare the translation adequacy of machine translation (MT) and human translation from English into Persian. The study selected seven texts and translated them using two human translators, Google Translate, and Bing Translation. The translations were then compared to a reference translation by two expert translators using Sketch Engine software.

The article provides a comprehensive literature review on the history of MT, its types/approaches, and empirical studies comparing MT with human translation. However, the article lacks a clear research question or hypothesis that guides the study. The authors state that their objective is to investigate whether machine translation is adequate enough as compared to human translation but do not provide any specific research questions or hypotheses.

The methodology used in the study is well-described, including the selection of texts, translators, and software used for translations. However, there are potential biases in the study that are not addressed by the authors. For example, the two human translators may have different levels of expertise or biases towards certain translations that could affect the results. Additionally, only two machine translation services were used in this study; other services may produce different results.

The results of the study show no statistically significant difference between human and machine translations compared to the reference translation. However, there are limitations to these findings as they only apply to English-Persian language pairs and may not be generalizable to other languages or contexts.

One limitation of this article is that it does not explore counterarguments or potential risks associated with relying on MT for translations. While it acknowledges that assessing MT quality is an emerging field of inquiry requiring further investigation, it does not address concerns about accuracy or cultural nuances lost in MT.

Overall, while this article provides useful insights into comparing MT with human translation in an English-Persian context, it lacks a clear research question or hypothesis guiding the study and does not address potential biases or limitations in its methodology.