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Article summary:

1. Developed a computational framework for generating realistic mesoscale concrete models using micro X-ray computed tomography images, bin packing algorithm and dynamic physics engine.

2. Shape library of realistic aggregates built from micro XCT 3D image with sufficient quantity for statistical convergence of shape indices.

3. Finite element models and 3D printed specimens can be directly built with high fidelity using the proposed method.

Article analysis:

The article provides an efficient computational framework for generating realistic mesoscale concrete models using micro X-ray computed tomography images, bin packing algorithm and dynamic physics engine. The article is well written and provides detailed information on the methodology used to generate the models as well as the results obtained from the experiments conducted. The authors have provided sufficient evidence to support their claims and have also discussed potential limitations of their approach.

However, there are some points that could be further explored in order to make the article more reliable and trustworthy. For example, while the authors have discussed potential limitations of their approach, they do not provide any evidence or data to back up these claims. Additionally, while they discuss possible risks associated with their approach, they do not provide any counterarguments or alternative solutions that could be used instead of their proposed method. Furthermore, while they discuss potential applications of their approach such as 3D printing and multiscale homogenization, they do not provide any evidence or data to support these claims either.

In conclusion, while this article provides an efficient computational framework for generating realistic mesoscale concrete models using micro X-ray computed tomography images, bin packing algorithm and dynamic physics engine, it could benefit from further exploration into potential limitations of its approach as well as providing evidence to back up its claims regarding possible applications of its approach such as 3D printing and multiscale homogenization.