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Article summary:

1. This project studied the antioxidant properties of glutathione and six phenolic acids, evaluated by four antioxidant indicators (ABTS, DPPH, ORAC and reducing power).

2. The synergistic effects of glutathione and six phenolic acids on antioxidant capacity in different antioxidant systems were further studied to obtain the most potential synergistic antioxidant combination.

3. Liposomes were prepared from the synergistic combination and characterized for stability and application, providing a theoretical basis for the application of natural antioxidants in food industry.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information about the research conducted, including the methods used to evaluate the antioxidant properties of glutathione and six phenolic acids, as well as their synergistic effects on antioxidant capacity in different systems. The article also presents results from characterization studies of liposomes prepared from the synergistic combination. However, there are some points that could be improved upon. For example, while the article mentions possible mechanisms for synergy between glutathione and phenolic acids, it does not provide any evidence to support these claims. Additionally, while potential risks associated with using natural antioxidants are mentioned briefly in passing, they are not explored in detail or discussed in depth. Furthermore, while some counterarguments are presented regarding the use of natural antioxidants in food industry applications, other perspectives are not considered or explored. Finally, there is a lack of discussion about how this research can be applied practically or what implications it may have for future research or applications.