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Article summary:

1. China Merchants Securities predicts that electric car sales will remain strong in 2023, with wholesale sales reaching 1.5 million units and an annual penetration rate of 39%.

2. They also expect new energy heavy truck sales to increase at a high rate over the next 2-3 years, with wholesale sales reaching 35,000/45,000/55,000 units in 2023-2025 respectively.

3. The report does not provide any evidence or counterarguments to support its claims.

Article analysis:

The article is lacking in terms of trustworthiness and reliability due to its lack of evidence for the claims made and its failure to present both sides equally. The article does not provide any evidence or counterarguments to support its claims, making it difficult to assess the accuracy of the predictions made by China Merchants Securities. Furthermore, the article fails to explore potential risks associated with electric car sales or present both sides of the argument equally. This could lead readers to form biased opinions based on one-sided reporting without considering all aspects of the issue. Additionally, there is a lack of transparency regarding potential promotional content within the article which could further distort readers’ views on electric cars and their sales trends.