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Article summary:

1. China's declining marriage rate and rising divorce rate are negatively affecting the fertility rate, making it difficult to boost births despite efforts to encourage couples to have more children.

2. Younger generations have higher expectations for marriage, including the need for an apartment and car, which can be expensive in metropolises like Beijing.

3. Marrying at a later age reduces the childbearing years of women, contributing to the declining fertility rate, while disputes between couples and their families can lead to divorce becoming a more common choice.

Article analysis:

The article discusses the challenges that China faces in increasing its birth rate due to declining marriage rates and rising divorce rates. While the author provides some insights into the reasons behind these trends, such as high expectations for marriage and self-centeredness among younger generations, there are several biases and missing points of consideration in the article.

Firstly, the article focuses solely on the negative impacts of declining marriage rates and rising divorce rates on birth rates without exploring potential benefits or alternative solutions. For example, declining marriage rates could be seen as a positive trend towards greater individual freedom and choice in relationships. Additionally, there are other ways to increase birth rates beyond encouraging more marriages and reducing divorces, such as improving access to childcare and parental leave policies.

Secondly, the article presents a biased view of younger generations as being self-centered and focused on material possessions. While this may be true for some individuals, it is unfair to generalize an entire generation based on these assumptions. Furthermore, the article fails to consider external factors that may contribute to these trends, such as economic pressures or societal expectations.

Finally, the article lacks evidence for some of its claims, such as stating that divorce was rare decades ago without providing any data or historical context. Additionally, while the author acknowledges that local authorities have offered subsidies and education opportunities for children to encourage couples to have more than one child, they do not provide any information on how effective these measures have been or whether there are any potential risks associated with them.

Overall, while the article raises important issues regarding China's birth rate challenges, it would benefit from a more balanced perspective that considers both positive and negative aspects of declining marriage rates and rising divorce rates. Additionally, providing more evidence for claims made in the article would strengthen its arguments and make it more informative for readers.