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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the concept of planetary-scale computation and how it distorts traditional modes of political geography, jurisdiction, and sovereignty.

2. It explores the idea of the "Stack," a megastructure formed by different species of computational technologies that align and layer together.

3. The article focuses on the Cloud and User layers of the Stack, discussing their geopolitical implications and the potential for alternative designs in these layers.

Article analysis:

The article titled "The Black Stack - Journal #53" discusses the concept of planetary-scale computation and its impact on geopolitical structures. The author argues that contemporary computational technologies, such as energy grids, cloud infrastructure, and universal addressing systems, form an accidental megastructure known as the Stack. They suggest that this megastructure distorts traditional modes of political geography and sovereignty, creating new territories in its image.

One potential bias in the article is the author's focus on the geopolitical implications of planetary-scale computation rather than personal privacy and state surveillance. While they acknowledge these issues briefly, their main interest lies in how computation affects political geography. This bias may stem from the author's own research interests or perspective.

Another potential bias is the author's reliance on Carl Schmitt's work on The Nomos of the Earth. While Schmitt is a well-known political theorist, his ideas have been criticized for their association with Nazi ideology. By drawing from Schmitt's work, the author may be unintentionally promoting or legitimizing his controversial ideas.

The article also makes several claims without providing sufficient evidence or support. For example, it suggests that Cloud platforms are displacing traditional core functions of states but does not provide concrete examples or data to back up this claim. Similarly, it argues that Cloud platforms are centralizing and decentralizing at the same time but does not explain how or why this is happening.

Additionally, the article does not explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives to its claims. It presents a one-sided view of planetary-scale computation and its implications without considering potential drawbacks or criticisms.

Furthermore, there is a lack of discussion about possible risks or negative consequences associated with planetary-scale computation. The article focuses primarily on the potential benefits and transformative power of these technologies without adequately addressing their potential downsides.

Overall, while the article raises interesting points about the geopolitical implications of planetary-scale computation, it suffers from biases, unsupported claims, missing evidence, unexplored counterarguments, and a lack of consideration for potential risks. A more balanced and evidence-based analysis would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.