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Article summary:

1. The article examines the tunnel effect in 1990s Russia, which suggests that policies that redistribute incomes from the rich to the poor may not be favored by all.

2. It looks at how expectations of future welfare, tastes for inequality, beliefs about costs and benefits of redistribution, and perceptions of social exclusion can affect attitudes towards redistribution.

3. It uses Russia in the 1990s as an example to explore these issues, noting that income inequality increased substantially during this period.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its analysis of the tunnel effect in 1990s Russia. The author provides a comprehensive overview of the relevant literature on this topic and presents a clear argument for why it is important to understand these issues in order to better understand redistributive policy and the causes of inequality. The article also provides evidence from Russia in the 1990s to support its claims, noting that income inequality increased substantially during this period.

However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. For example, while the author does provide evidence from Russia in the 1990s to support their claims, they do not explore any counterarguments or consider any other possible explanations for why income inequality increased during this period. Additionally, while they do discuss how perceptions of social exclusion can affect attitudes towards redistribution, they do not provide any evidence or examples to back up this claim. Finally, while they do mention possible risks associated with governmental redistribution of current incomes (such as illegal activity), they do not provide any further detail or exploration into these risks.