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Article summary:

1. Biochar and earthworms both significantly increased shoot biomass production, but biochar had a higher effect on the number of leaves while earthworms had a higher effect on leaf area.

2. Biochar enhanced protein catabolism by increasing leaf proteolytic activities and expression levels of genes related to protein catabolism and anabolism.

3. Earthworms increased nitrogen uptake without having to support the energy cost that must bear plants in the biochar treatment.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence for its claims through experiments conducted in a greenhouse setting with controlled conditions, as well as through molecular processes such as gene expression analysis. The article also provides detailed information about the soil type used in the experiment, which helps to ensure that results are applicable to similar soils.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the authors do not explore any counterarguments or alternative explanations for their findings, which could lead to an overly one-sided view of their results. Additionally, while the authors provide evidence for their claims through experiments and gene expression analysis, they do not provide any evidence for possible risks associated with using biochar or earthworms in agricultural settings. Furthermore, while the authors discuss how earthworms increase nitrogen uptake at a low cost for plants without having to support energy costs associated with biochar treatment, they do not discuss how this might affect other aspects of plant growth or development such as root growth or nutrient uptake from other sources. Finally, while the authors provide detailed information about soil type used in their experiment, they do not discuss how their results might apply to different types of soils or climates.