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Article summary:

1. Generative AI is giving people a feeling of disruption, similar to the feelings experienced when the internet and other technologies first emerged.

2. Generative AI has the potential to replace many entry-level and lower-level knowledge workers, as well as empower mediocre writers with tools like Adobe Express and CNCs.

3. There are concerns that generative AI could be used to manipulate search results, feed confirmation bias, and amplify corrupted discourse.

Article analysis:

The article provides an interesting perspective on the emergence of generative AI and its potential implications for society. The author does a good job of providing examples from his own experience to illustrate how disruptive technologies have been in the past, such as ASR-33 teletype machines, Amazon, iPhone app store, etc., which helps readers understand why he believes generative AI will be similarly disruptive.

However, there are some issues with the trustworthiness and reliability of this article that should be noted. Firstly, it is not clear whether the author has any expertise in generative AI or if he is simply relying on his own experiences with other disruptive technologies to make his claims about generative AI's potential impact. This lack of expertise may lead to unsupported claims or missing points of consideration in his analysis. Additionally, while the author does mention some possible risks associated with generative AI (such as manipulation of search results), he does not explore these risks in depth or provide evidence for his claims about them. Furthermore, while he acknowledges that some people may have concerns about generative AI replacing jobs or amplifying corrupted discourse, he does not present any counterarguments or explore both sides equally; instead he focuses solely on the potential benefits of generative AI without considering any drawbacks or risks associated with it. Finally, there is a promotional element to this article as well; for example, when discussing graphic design tools like Adobe Express and Canva he fails to mention any alternatives that may exist outside of those two services.

In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting perspective on generative AI's potential implications for society it lacks sufficient evidence for its claims and fails to explore both sides equally or consider all possible risks associated with it; thus readers should take its conclusions with a grain of salt until further research can be done into this topic.